02138’s story on Harvard professors and their researchers/ghostwriters, “A Million Little Writers,” gets a nice write-up from magazine columnist Peter Carlson in today’s Washington Post. (Scroll down to find the item.)

The magazine 02138 covers Harvard University generally in a breathless and fawning manner. But the current “Sex! Greed! Scandal!” issue contains a wonderfully acerbic exposé that reveals how some of Harvard’s hotshot celebrity professors actually produce their books: They do it “with the help of a small army of student assistants who research, edit and sometimes even write material for which they are never credited.”

I’m not sure that all of you would find 02138 is fawning and breathless, but never mind…

If Harvard students handed in term papers written by somebody else, [author Jacob Hale] Russell points out, they would be subject to expulsion. Apparently, the rules for their professors are more forgiving.