Now more than ever.
The New York Times
This much free information shows that not all progress is bad.
Regret The Error
Newspapers' best corrections.
Awful Plastic Surgery
I can't figure out if this site is feminist or misogynist, but it is weirdly fascinating.
My Company, Inc.
Guerilla marketing from two writers I like.
Yankees/Red Sox
Because we can all just get along. Sort of.
The Harvard Crimson
I read the Crimson daily to follow what's going on at a campus in turmoil.
The Grumpy Girl
Vagaries of modern life, written with humor and insight.
The Drudge Report
Love it or hate it, you can't live without it.
So much more than "Dizzkneeland."
Tears for Fears
Because the '80s were better than the '70s.
James Wolcott
Along with Frank Rich, one of our smartest commentators on media and politics.
Peter Maass
The work of a terrific journalist.
One of the most interesting alternative news sites on the web. (Plus, I write for them from time to time).
Sometimes I don't understand why the whole world doesn't own an Apple.
Hot Ambercrombie Chick
Hot...and smart.