A Windows user tries to make the case that Macs aren’t good computers.

The Macintosh computer is the emasculated plaything of the effete, limp-wristed parlor liberals who have too much money and too little sense. Hopefully, when reality hits, it will go the way of POG caps, Beanie Babies, and Pokémon. Sure, it’s cute. It is, after all, just a very expensive paperweight.

The author, Harvard sophomore Eugene Kim, argues that Macs are too expensive, insufficiently powerful, don’t have enough games made for them, and break easily. (Huh?)

Hmmmm. Try telling that to my friend whose couple-months-old Dell just died on her. She spent four hours on the phone with a guy in India. His advice—which, gasp, she followed—was to erase her hard drive and everything on it.

And she wasn’t even using Vista!

Now, Mr. Kim is comping the Crimson, so he must be forgiven a little hyperbole. But do we really need a little gay-baiting (“effete, limp-wristed…) in there?

And, oh, by the way, Mr. Kim—I just installed Leopard on both my Macs, and it’s running beautifully. How’s that Vista thing working for you? (Whichever version you shelled out for….)