Once in a while, Michael Kinsley reminds you of what a great columnist can do: Puncture all the words of propaganda and hyperbole and partisanship generated by folks in Washington, and create insight.

Here he is on why we all secretly love the Foley scandal—no matter how much we insist otherwise:

Perhaps it would be a better world if everybody were as disgusted by the Foley episode as almost everybody claims to be. But the truth is that most people are enjoying this story and can’t get enough of it. If you gave them the secret power to wish the whole thing away, they’d say, “Are you nuts? This is terrific!” Poor Dennis Hastert is suspected, probably falsely, of being willing to sacrifice a child for the good of his party, and now the other party reaps the benefit. Do you think that if the devil told Nancy Pelosi she could undo the scandal, save these 17-year-olds from the trauma of e-mail from a sicko congressman, and give up her hopes of being speaker, that she would find such an offer tempting? I don’t. And I don’t think Nancy Pelosi is callous or cruel. If she thought it through, she might conclude that the good that can come from a Democratic Congress exceeds the evil that a few randy e-mails may have done to a few teenage pages. Meanwhile, most Americans, I strongly suspect, would happily sacrifice a few more pages just to keep the story going for entertainment purposes.