You Guys Wrote Some Emails
Posted on January 25th, 2015 in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »
It’s 10:15 PM, Sunday night. My wife is in Utah for her job, trying to get back to the East Coast before the storm hits tomorrow afternoon. The kids are asleep (though who knows how long they’ll stay that way). And I’m in front of the computer, trying to catch up on, well, everything.
One of the things I’m trying to catch up on is all the kind and thoughtful emails I’ve received from readers of this blog over the past few weeks. I want to apologize for being so slow to write back, and let you know how much I appreciate those emails. As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t write this blog to make money, and since its subject matter is really not related to my day job, it doesn’t help me much there either. Truth is, between being the dad of a 3-year-old and an 8-month-old, and a job as editor of Worth magazine that is more than full-time, I constantly feel like I’m late—because I usually am.
But to open my email folder and see all that incredible feedback—it really does mean a lot.
Thanks. And if you wrote me, and haven’t heard back from me—I’m trying. Really.
4 Responses
1/26/2015 10:28 am
Richard - Two things stood out when I first stumbled upon your blog after your initial post on the whole RS fiasco:
1) How you really thought about how you got snookered by Stephen Glass and radically changed how you did business because of it (most people go on repeating the same old mistakes even though there are so many ‘interesting’ new ones they could be making…); and
2) How even handed you try to be, even when no one could blame you if you weren’t.
Keep up the good work. I hope Worth magazine appreciates what they have.
1/26/2015 4:50 pm
Why not put an ad or two on here? You have to pay to have your blog hosted, why not? Anyone who thinks you make money off this blog.. err..
thanks for blogs, I really enjoy them.
1/27/2015 7:51 am
richard…I hear you on feeling that you are always late
I was chatting with slash the other day and suggested you think about it with the 3rd little one…….did she make it back??
1/27/2015 10:13 am
Richard, have you considered writing a book on this epic farce? You were the catalyst for the crashing down of this whole house of cards, but the hysterics and witch hunts continue unabated on college campuses as well as their mainstream media enablers, as demonstrated by “The Hunting Ground” propaganda doc.
What a story here… millions of dollars in advocacy groups, watering down the definition of rape in order to fit the most radical and insane ravings of extremist feminism, deifying victim status and then cancer industry-style marketing and professionalizing it, all based on Salem witch hunt lunacy and drum head trials.