In the New York Post, Naomi Schaefer Riley becomes the first member of the media, other than yours truly, to consider what Ellen Pao’s relationship with Buddy Fletcher might say about her discrimination lawsuit against her employer, the venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins.

The lawsuit accuses Kleiner senior management of both ignoring her complaints about retaliation and discriminating against its female employees more generally.

Let’s leave aside the fact that three Ivy League degrees (from Princeton in electrical engineering and from Harvard for business and law) aren’t enough to teach a woman not to sleep with a co-worker, let alone one who is making “inappropriate” advances. Why continue working for such a company? Surely, even in the sexist world of finance, there are other firms that would value a woman of Pao’s abilities.

I’m not saying that Pao isn’t telling the truth—just reacting against the knee-jerk enthusiasm with which her claims have been embraced. Kleiner Perkins is scheduled to respond to her complaint on Thursday.

P.S. Pao and Fletcher don’t actually live in Manhattan, by the way, despite the Post’s headline. Which is part of what makes Fletcher’s lawsuit against the Dakota so interesting: He never had any intention of living in the apartment he was trying to buy…