Sleep Would Be Nice
Posted on April 9th, 2009 in Uncategorized |
A reader e-mailed me that I have not blogged today. It’s true! I haven’t.
(Well, now I have.)
My apologies. I had insomnia last night and wound up watching a Tivoed episode of In Treatment at 3 in the morning. I recommend it. (The show, not the insomnia.)
So your blogger is dragging a bit today. Perhaps a second wind will kick in at, oh, I don’t know…1:00 AM?
6 Responses
4/9/2024 2:52 pm
It’s that cat allergy acting up.
4/9/2024 4:33 pm
Did watching the show help with the issues underlying your insomnia?
4/9/2024 4:40 pm
Richard has a cat? I’m in shock.
4/10/2024 8:02 am
I didn’t say he had a cat.
4/10/2024 3:24 pm
Then perhaps you should have capitalized “Allergy” and enclosed it in commas: “It’s that cat, Allergy, acting up.”
4/10/2024 5:12 pm
Maybe Anon means it’s Shannon’s cat.