It’s Cold in the Governor’s Mansion
Posted on April 8th, 2009 in Uncategorized |
…but the family feud between Sarah Palin and Co. and the Johnstons is heating up.
Watching this interview with Levi Johnston may make you feel slightly unclean, but never mind. Levi claims that he lived with the Palins for two months before Bristol got pregnant! (What’s up with that, Governor? How can you be against premarital sex and have your daughter shacking up with her boyfriend for two months in your very own house?) And he calls Sarah Palin a liar.
All right, so lots of people call Sarah Palin a liar, but still…it’s great TV.
And do we honestly think that Levi’s reaction when he found out Bristol was pregnant was that he was “stoked”?
Also: What is going on with those little things underneath Sherry Johnston’s eyes?
I recommend a talk radio show with Levi Johnston and Joe the Plumber. Sign ‘em up!
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5 Responses
4/8/2024 1:32 pm
“Also: What is going on with those little things underneath Sherry Johnston’s eyes?”
It’s mascara smudges. She was crying and I guess it’s not water proof.
4/8/2024 1:36 pm
Oh. I thought they were teardrop tattoos, like in Sin Nombre.
4/8/2024 4:13 pm
May I be so bold as to say that that sister of his is a fine young cannibal!
4/8/2024 6:56 pm
did you hear about the encounter between E. Ram and L. Summers this afternoon? It may hit the Post tomorrow.
4/9/2024 11:18 am
No sign of it in the Post yet. Do tell!