A clever Yale friend of mine wrote this for his 25 Things on Facebook (funny!):

1. I shot a man in Reno.
2. I’m too sexy for Milan.
3. I’ve got lots of friends in San Jose.
4. I am everyday people.
5. I’m every woman.
6. I’m the tax man.
7. I am the walrus.
8. I want to know what love is.
9. I want to run naked in a rainstorm.
10. I’d like to teach the world to sing.
11. My hips don’t lie.
12. I remember when rock was young.
13. I’m special. So special.
14. I can’t go for that.
15. There is always something there to remind me.
16. I’ve been alive forever, and I wrote the very first song.
17. I’m Rob Base, and I came to get down.
18. Regrets? I’ve had a few.
19. I believe the children are our future.
20. I believe I can fly.
21. I know what boys like.
22. I’ve been working in a coal mine.
23. I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar.
24. I’m on the top of the world, looking down on creation.
25. I am a lineman for the county.