The Killa from Wasilla
Posted on September 5th, 2008 in Uncategorized |
In her speech on Wednesday night, Sarah Palin kinda-sorta tried to frame herself as an environmentalist, at least on the subject of energy.
Come January, she said, a McCain-Palin administration would create jobs with clean coal … and move forward on solar, wind, geothermal, and other alternative sources.
As I argued yesterday, Palin delivered a speech whose credibility hinged on total ignorance of her record. And when it comes to the environment, the AP reports, that record is consistently, dramatically hostile to environmentalism.
—fought the classification of the polar bear as an endangered species, going so far as to sue the Department of the Interior (not exactly green-friendly itself these days), faulting the science it used to classify the polar bear as endangered.
—questioned the conclusions of federal scientists who found that the Cook Inlet beluga whale needs protection under the Endangered Species Act
—argued in favor of shooting wolves from helicopters to increase the numbers of caribou and moose for hunters to kill (That way you get to shoot wolves, and then you get to shoot other stuff too.) Palin spent $400, 000 of taxpayer money promoting aerial shooting of wolves.
—argued against a state ballot initiative that would have prohibited or restricted new mining operations that could affect salmon in Alaskan streams and rivers
—does not believe that climate change is caused by human activities
“A changing environment will affect Alaska more than any other state, because of our location,” Palin told Newsmax in an interview published on Friday. But, she added, “I’m not one, though, who would attribute it to being man-made.”
—and, of course, is for drilling for oil and natural gas pretty much everywhere you currently can’t
And so on. In fact, environmentalists have nicknamed Palin “the killa from Wasilla.”
Again: It’s amazing how much a pretty face and a nice smile can hide, at least for a while.
3 Responses
9/5/2024 1:40 pm
all this talk about ‘clean coal’… burning coal is never clean. Due to Clean Air Act Regs, burning coal is much cleaner than before with very costly processes that take out the Nitrogen and Sulphur from the emissions (removing the ability to create their respective acids). Sulphur scrubbing also has the ability to remove up to 50% of Mercury emissions. However, any Mercury emissions are bad for the environment. Also, let’s not forget CO2. I believe we are stuck with coal for the short term energy needs of this country, but it is not ‘clean’.
9/5/2024 2:48 pm
how about hunting Palin from a helicopter
9/5/2024 3:42 pm
Oh my God! And on top of all of that, she talks funny!
(I’m kidding. I have an accent myself.)
But I think I hate her now.