My post mocking the Globe’s online request for men who wear body-shaping underwear to the office drew this response….

  • Peter Weston

    Your snobbery is amazing. I’m sorry, but if there are suddenly a large amount of men wearing body shaping underwear, to me, that marks a tremendous change in the image of men in the work place and in the world; and actually, I think that would be a phenomenal story. If there is any point of criticism, it’s that the Boston Globe reporters aren’t resourceful enough to find men wearing body shaping underwear on their own, and must resort to asking for sources online. But then again, this could be a great way of incorporating the reader into the story — I feel like today, many of the news sources I read are dictated strongly by the people leaving comments online. Why not ask them for sources? I really don’t see anything wrong with what you pointed out in this blog post, except that you clearly need to be ushered into the 21st century where people want every cultural phenomena articulated in print by an esteemed newspaper.

It’s not that I wouldn’t read about men wearing body-shaping underwear, Peter. I’m as interested in weird cultural trends as the next guy. (Heck, probably more.)

What I seriously doubt is that this is a trend at all, rather than a desperate concoction of reporter and editor….