Archive for May, 2008

News Analysis

Posted on May 13th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 9 Comments »

Thanks to all of you who commented or e-mailed about my new gig at Worth. A few quick thoughts:

1) 02138 is in good hands. The new owner seems like a terrific guy, and co-founder Bom Kim, one of two Harvard alums who came up with the idea for the magazine, will be staying on as well.

2) I’m all fired up about Worth, and that’s why I decided to join Sandow Media rather than stay on with 02138. I’ve always loved helping to start new magazines, and even though Worth has been around for some time, that’s essentially what this job will be.

3) I will still blog, yes, and I’m sure that I will still blog about Harvard.

4) You have no idea how much it drives me to distraction that the Yankees keep getting beat by the Tampa Bay Rays. My only consolation is that the Red Sox aren’t much better.

5) Thanks, as always, to you, loyal readers. You are what makes it fun to do this blog.

6) For those of you keeping track, it has now been several days without an anti-Hillary tirade. My doctor says thinking about Hillary too much is bad for my blood pressure.

7) Onward and upward. Always.

Some Richard Bradley News

Posted on May 12th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »


New York, NY (May 9, 2024) - Sandow Media today announced the appointment of Richard Bradley to the position of editor-in-chief of Worth magazine, the high-end financial/lifestyle magazine recently acquired by Sandow.

“We are thrilled to have Richard lead the editorial team at Worth—his track record as executive editor at 02138, George and Regardie’s magazines is truly impressive. Richard has done an incredible job of creating thought-provoking media properties that are as entertaining as they are informative,” said Adam Sandow, CEO of Sandow Media. “Under his editorial leadership, we will unveil a fresh and groundbreaking new vision for the Worth brand .”

Since joining 02138 in June 2007, Bradley was responsible for overseeing editorial content, including the “Harvard 100,” the magazine’s list of Harvard’s most influential alumni in politics, finance and other professions, and the publication’s groundbreaking investigation of the legal dispute over the origins of Facebook. Prior to 02138, Bradley served as executive editor for Regardie’s, a Washington business monthly, and George, the political magazine founded by John F. Kennedy, Jr. In 2001, Bradley edited a special issue of Worth focusing on wealth and the Internet.

Bradley is also the New York Times-bestselling author of American Son: A Portrait of John F. Kennedy, Jr. (2002), Harvard Rules (2005), and The Greatest Game: The Yankees, the Red Sox, and the Playoff of ’78 (2008). A graduate of Yale College and Harvard University, Bradley has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, Worth, the New Republic, Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, Fortune Small Business, and Salon.

“I’m delighted to be working with Adam Sandow on Worth,” Bradley said. “Our aim is to create a new kind of magazine whose engaging content is greatly complemented by an innovative approach to its design and navigation both online and in print.”

About Sandow Media
Founded by Adam I. Sandow in 2002, Sandow Media is a leader in developing multi-channel, vertically integrated luxury brands. The Company’s foundation is built on identifying markets, creating indispensable resources and building influential consumer publications and online properties. Sandow Media’s flagships include the powerhouse beauty brand NewBeauty magazine, which encompasses print, online and retail operations, and Luxe, the nation’s largest network of luxury home magazines. With 175 employees in 10 states, Sandow Media produces over 60 publications annually and has over half a million visitors per month to the company’s online properties.

For more information, please contact: Christina Zullo
561-750-0151 x249
[email protected]

Some 02138 News

Posted on May 12th, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

The magazine has been bought by Manhattan Media, a New York-based publishing company.

Quote of the Day

Posted on May 11th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 1 Comment »

“When Bush tries to articulate a vision, he will butcher the Gettysburg Address. Obama, he will make an A & P grocery list sing.”

—Recently retired Republican congressman Tom Davis, speaking of President Bush’s anchor-like impact on the Republican party.

Jenna Bush Makes Us Proud

Posted on May 10th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 20 Comments »

She marries today.

Meanwhile, a certain other presidential daughter, having spent several years working at a consulting firm and going to fashion shows with Gwyneth Paltrow, is now working at a hedge fund and campaigning for her mother.

(One wonders: Has she been asked to resign or take leave from that fund, Avenue Capital? Or is the fund only too happy to continue paying Chelsea in the hopes that she would be a direct pipeline to the White House? If anyone were paying much attention to Chelse, this would be considered influence-buying, pure and simple.)

Meanwhile, Jenna, the young woman once derided as a party girl, taught at a charter school, volunteered for UNICEF, and wrote a book about poverty and HIV in Central America.

Did I mention that Chelsea worked at McKinsey & Co. and now works at a hedge fund?

Let me be clear: I wish no offense to people in the financial business, which does many good and important things.

Although I do wonder how Hillary can rail about Wall Street “greed” given her daughter’s employment.

I just believe that a child fortunate enough to grow up in the White House has a particular responsibility to give back.

Jenna’s dad may be a really, really, really bad president…but she seems like a pretty good daughter.

Disaster…or Just Confusion?

Posted on May 10th, 2008 in Uncategorized | No Comments »

The Times clarifies, somewhat, the situation regarding Harvard’s—and other schools’—admissions confusion.

In what may be a happy surprise for thousands of high school seniors, Harvard plans to offer admission to 150 to 175 students on its waiting list, and Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania each expect to take 90, creating ripples that will send other highly selective colleges deeper into their waiting lists as well.

Why? Apparently the unpredictability of the admissions process due to several schools ending early admission and increases in financial aid.It seems notable that Yale, which did not end early admission, is only extending waiting list offers to about 45 students.

The Los Angeles Daily News, in a follow-up article, attributes the confusion to demographic changes in the applicant pool.

The problem is largely driven by a nationwide spike in graduating seniors this year - the largest ever at 3.2 million and topping the baby boomer class of 1977, according to the National Association for College Admission Counseling.

Adding to the issue are Internet-savvy students who are applying to as many as 10 to 15 schools, giving colleges more uncertainty about who might actually accept their admission offers.

Unlikely that this last would be Harvard’s problem….and indeed the Crimson reports that Harvard expects its yield to be around 78%, or essentially the same as last year’s.

What’s the takeaway from all this? We may look back in a decade and see this year and perhaps one or two before it as the beginning of a profound transformation in elite college admissions….and hopefully, a great economic democratization.

But the problem of how to improve elementary and high school education for poor people may be the more enduring challenge. Is it time for Drew Faust to take up the mantle not just of higher education, but of K-12?

Rumor Has It…

Posted on May 8th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 7 Comments »

…that Harvard’s abandonment of early admission has been a disaster for the university and that Harvard is going to have take a huge number—possibly as many as 200—students off the waiting list to fill its incoming class….

Hillary Courts The Racist Vote

Posted on May 8th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 12 Comments »

Her lust for power knows no bounds, no decency: Hillary Clinton is now arguing that she should be the Democratic nominee for president because white people like her better than they do Barack Obama.

“I have a much broader base to build a winning coalition on,” she said in an interview with USA TODAY. As evidence, Clinton cited an Associated Press article “that found how Sen. Obama’s support among working, hard-working Americans, white Americans, is weakening again, and how whites in both states who had not completed college were supporting me.”

“There’s a pattern emerging here,” she said.

The pattern is that of Hillary trying desperately to increase her power by dividing the country; and Obama, yes, trying to increase his power, but uniting the country to solve problems and reconcile past differences.

When will the Clintons go away and leave this country to build a future without them?

Quote of the Day

Posted on May 7th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »

“The animals weren’t sacrificed. There wasn’t any viscera or anything like that, just the heads and the pelts.”

—Allison Price, a Cambridge Animal Control officer, speaking on the goat remains found in Eliot House on Saturday night

Good to know that the animals weren’t sacrificed…

She Won’t Quit

Posted on May 7th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 6 Comments »

Despite the almost mathematical impossibility of her winning the Democratic nomination for president, Hillary Clinton seems to have no intention of dropping out of the race. I think the only thing now that will prompt her to do so is the realization that she is damaging her own reputation and legacy; she clearly won’t drop out for the good of the party or the country.It is possibly time for party leaders to come together and quietly whisper to Hillary that they will go public with their disapproval of her unless she gets out.The only problem is, Who are the party leaders? Howard Dean? Clearly not. Ted Kennedy? Already endorsed Obama. Bill Clinton…?