Quote of the Day
Posted on May 7th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 2 Comments »
“The animals weren’t sacrificed. There wasn’t any viscera or anything like that, just the heads and the pelts.”
—Allison Price, a Cambridge Animal Control officer, speaking on the goat remains found in Eliot House on Saturday night
Good to know that the animals weren’t sacrificed…
2 Responses
5/7/2024 3:30 pm
to be fair, (I know Allison) I think she meant to reassure people that there was no ritual animal sacrifice performed on the premises. I don’t envy her having the task to respond to that situation.
5/7/2024 4:15 pm
Don’t the bio-med people speak of “sacrificing” animals used in research, as well? The implication is that the life was valued, but given up for the sake of a more worthy thing. I assumed that she was borrowing this use of the word, simply meaning that the animals weren’t killed by students, leading to questions of whether they were killed, or “sacrificed,” humanely. Still a great quotation.