Is Harvard a Tax-Free Hedge Fund?
Posted on May 14th, 2008 in Uncategorized | 3 Comments »
In the Atlantic, Matthew Iglesias reports on the debate over whether Harvard more resembles a hedge fund than a university.
This may seem like a bizarre debate to those who teach at the university, but I think it’s a growing challenge for Harvard: The university’s wealth is so great that the education of students is increasingly seen as a byproduct of its revenues, rather than as the generator of them.
And once that impression sinks in, then the idea of taxing Harvard will seem almost logical…..
3 Responses
5/14/2008 1:06 pm
It’s really a silly and ignorant comparison.
5/14/2008 2:02 pm
Yglesias has a Y.
5/14/2008 3:37 pm
YES YES YES Can only imagine the conversations regarding permits for Allston with the City of Boston and the Commonwealth of MA.Exactly how much will they give up inorder not to be taxed? More than the $1mm they give up to Boston currently, perhaps……this will make the endowment manager pay issue seem like child’s play.