Back in March, then-Morgan Stanley CEO Phil Purcell appointed a “co-president” named Stephen S. Crawford to help calm troubled waters. It didn’t work, and Purcell was ousted. As a result, Crawford’s leaving too. And guess what? Morgan Stanley is paying him a jaw-dropping $32 million severance package. For all of three months work.

The money-management firm has now dropped $150 million in payments to two departing executives, Purcell and Crawford, one of whom was a complete failure, one of whom showed up at work for about 90 days, earning something like $300,000 a day.

Why anyone would invest their money with Morgan Stanley after this, I don’t know. Because guess where your fees are going? Into the silk-lined pockets of incompetent and greedy fat-cats.

Morgan Stanley is a public company. Time to sell, baby.