Shots In The Dark
Thursday, March 20, 2024
  Time to Move
Sorry for the confusion, anyone who's been wondering where I've been. This blog has now officially moved, and you can't find it here any longer.

To find Shots in the Dark, go to the new Richard Bradley home page, then click on the tab that says "blog."

Everything you liked, loved, or hated about SITD will be there. Can't wait to hear what you think!
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Name: Richard Bradley
Location: New York, New York
2/1/05 - 3/1/05 / 3/1/05 - 4/1/05 / 4/1/05 - 5/1/05 / 5/1/05 - 6/1/05 / 6/1/05 - 7/1/05 / 7/1/05 - 8/1/05 / 8/1/05 - 9/1/05 / 9/1/05 - 10/1/05 / 10/1/05 - 11/1/05 / 11/1/05 - 12/1/05 / 12/1/05 - 1/1/06 / 1/1/06 - 2/1/06 / 2/1/06 - 3/1/06 / 3/1/06 - 4/1/06 / 4/1/06 - 5/1/06 / 5/1/06 - 6/1/06 / 6/1/06 - 7/1/06 / 7/1/06 - 8/1/06 / 8/1/06 - 9/1/06 / 9/1/06 - 10/1/06 / 10/1/06 - 11/1/06 / 11/1/06 - 12/1/06 / 12/1/06 - 1/1/07 / 1/1/07 - 2/1/07 / 2/1/07 - 3/1/07 / 3/1/07 - 4/1/07 / 4/1/07 - 5/1/07 / 5/1/07 - 6/1/07 / 6/1/07 - 7/1/07 / 7/1/07 - 8/1/07 / 8/1/07 - 9/1/07 / 9/1/07 - 10/1/07 / 10/1/07 - 11/1/07 / 11/1/07 - 12/1/07 / 12/1/07 - 1/1/08 / 1/1/08 - 2/1/08 / 2/1/08 - 3/1/08 / 3/1/08 - 4/1/08 /

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