Crimes and Punishments
While Paris Hilton cries about going to jail for a few days, two parents from Charlottesville, VA, are headed to the slammer for 27 months for serving alcohol to minors at a party. Instead of being driven there in a Mercedes, they'll be driven by their two sons.....
Albemarle County
Commonwealth's Attorney James L. Camblos III, who prosecuted the parents, said it was the worst case of underage drinking he has had to deal with in 15 years. "Not only were they serving alcohol to 15- and 16-year-olds, they misled parents who called to ask about alcohol, and they tried to get the kids to cover it up after police got there," Camblos said.
But the mother, who helped arrange the party for her 16-year-old son, thinks the punishment is too harsh for the crime.
"No one left the party," said [Elisa] Kelly, 42, who collected car keys that night almost five years ago to prevent anyone from leaving. "No one was hurt. No one drove anywhere. I really don't think I deserve to go to jail for this long."
I'm inclined to agree—two years in jail? Surely that doesn't serve the public good. The difference, it seems to me, is that Paris Hilton had gotten in trouble for drunk driving, while these two people made sure that no one could drive....

Brandon, left, and Ryan Kenty will drive
their mother, Elisa Kelly, to jail Monday,
when she is to start a 27-month sentence
for providing alcohol at Ryan's 16th
birthday party in 2002.
(Washington Post photo) Paris, before the fall.