At Harvard, Two Departures
Though it has not yet been publicly reported, economist and Harvard College professor Caroline Hoxby and her husband, associate professor of history and literature Blair Hoxby, are leaving Harvard for Stanford University.
Caroline Hoxby has sent the following e-mail to her colleagues:
I am writing because I recently informed Jim Stock, our chairman, that my husband Blair and I will be accepting our Stanford offers. We do so with great enthusiasm: Stanford promises to be stimulating and productive place for us.This, however, is not an email about Stanford. It is an email about you. I want to say how much I have valued working with you and all the members of the Harvard Economics Department over the past thirteen years. You have not just been great colleagues, but the best possible colleagues. It has been an honor to work with people who are dedicated to economics, to advancing the field, and to training the best students anywhere on earth. It's hard to think of anything better than working with people who are serious, creative, and very, very smart. Everything from thesis defenses to seminars to search committees has been a pleasure and a learning experience. Both Blair and I regret having to leave colleagues whom we respect so much.I will personally miss everyone at Littauer, and I wish especially to express my heartfelt thanks to the staff, some of whom I have known for over twenty years! Every time the department manages to get itself through the beginning of a semester or the job market season, we have the staff to thank for pulling us through and providing our students with a sense that all things do indeed get done.Jim Stock has done a wonderful job this year trying to ensure that the Harvard situation worked out for us, and I am clapping for him as I write (tricky but possible). He could not have been a better or more responsive chairman. Many people in the department, other departments in the FAS, and other schools in the University have also been concerned about the situation and have expressed their concern to me and/or the administration in emails, in telephone calls, and in person. I am deeply grateful for the concern and the support we've been lent. We could not have wished for anything more from our chairman, our faculty colleagues, the staff, or our students.All good thoughts and wishes,Caroline HoxbyI know only a little about Blair Hoxby's work, but have heard good things about his scholarship and teaching. For her part, Caroline Hoxby is widely respected in her field, and the loss of a Harvard College professor—the title is intended to reflect excellence in teaching—does not bode well for the university's commitment to undergraduate teaching. Or diversity, for that matter: Caroline Hoxby is a female, African-American economist, and that is a select group.
This can only be considered a huge loss for Harvard.

Blair and Caroline Hoxby.