Daniel Golden Takes on Harvard, et al
New York Post yesterday ran a big take-out on
The Price of Admission: How America's Ruling Class Buys Its Way into Elite Colleges—And Who Gets Left Outside the Gates.
(I'd link to it, but the Post website is too dysfunctional for me even to find the article online.)
"One of the last taboos among America's aristocracy is talking—or writing—about pulling strings in college admissions," Golden writes.
He cites several examples quoted in the Post:
—Super-agent Michael Ovitz's son was admitted as a "special student" at Brown, but "didn't last a year."
—Lauren Bush, the babe-alicious niece of the President, was admitted to Princeton even though her application was a month late.
—Al Gore's allegedly not-that-impressive son, who "preferred partying to homework," got into Harvard.
This book is sure to get a big push from Random House; it comes packaged with glowing blurbs from, among others, Skip Gates and Lani Guinier. (Gates: "I was bowled over by
The Price of Admission.")
It's not out till September 5th...anyone out there got an advance copy?
Lauren Bush:
Perhaps not
as smart as
her uncle...
...but strong

Would you
admit her?