Back from the Chapel
Readers of the New York Times and this blog may have noticed an interesting coincidence: that the same weekend I announced I was headed off to a wedding, Larry Summers and Elisa New got married.
Justin Ide/The New York Times
I will now end the suspense: No, I was not invited to the Summers-New nuptials.
I was, however, present at the wedding of two other Clinton administration veterans, Jake Siewert and Christine Anderson. (I suspect that all the Clinton folks who were not at the Summers-New wedding were at Jackson Hole, and vice-versa.) It was a lovely wedding for a wonderful couple, and my thanks to all who helped arrange it. The only remaining mystery: Where
are they going for their honeymoon?
In all seriousness, congratulations to both couples. May you have many years of happiness.
Below, the view from the wedding site: