Shots In The Dark
Wednesday, August 08, 2024
  Loss of a Chinese Treasure
In China, the Yangtze river dolphin—a 20-million-year old species—is gone. Poof. There are no more. Zip. Zero. Zilch.

It's the first extinction of a large vertebrate in over 50 years, according to the BBC.

The reason? Unregulated fishing, including electrofishing—you can probably figure that one out—and rolling hooks, which are longlines with thousands of unbaited hooks used for snagging bottom fish that, as you can imagine, kill lots of other stuff.

Here's what the Yangtze river dolphin used to look like:
very discouraging.
Discouraging indeed. We've probably been eating it in ersatz fish products for the last few years.
And some kids' toys done up with lead paint in Toys R Us maybe, Somebody ate 'em, 2:29.
Strange. My 3:01 was meant to be to a response to a slightly facetious post, tween 2:29 and 3:01, about my imputing 'primitiveness' to the Chinese. But that post seems to have gone. Really! I should say I don't have much confidence in the food industry here either, but a little more
Oh, I deleted that post for its Dada-ist qualities.
that post was deleted because it was too dadaesque for the blogmaster
That's comforting. If you're the removed poster, 3:14, do you really not look more closely (to the extent you can tell) at where what you eat comes from than you used to 5-10 years ago? And is China high on your list of desirable provenances?
i'd eat dog sushi if it tasted good
TO RT: Of course I care where my food comes from, and more now than before; in fact, that was kind of my point. Globalization (of markets and technology) is our creation, and it is our consumers who continue to feed the demand for cheap stuff produced elsewhere, be it food, clothes, stuff, drugs or whathaveyou. Its lovely to sit back at your apple computer with your starbucks latte and your made-in-china everything in the comfort of your nice upper west/upper east side (or cambridge) apartment and decry chinese economic and environmental behavior, while ignoring the fact that this is a beast our materialism and junk culture created. If every Latino decided not to come to work tomorrow, lawns would die. What would happen if every Chinese (or Chilean or Bangladeshi or Indonesian or Sri Lankan) worker made the same decision? How different ways can you have it?

- the deleted poster
We're on pretty much the same page DP. They won't stop for now because they need to get paid to water lawns/harvest dubious bottom-feeding shrimp and the like. Btw, I go with Thailand-Bangladesh-China in that order on the shrimp cursus honorum, though I agree it's probably not rational. Polluted mangroves slightly better than "farms". Don't mean to sound flippant, the problems are huge, for consumers, but infinitely more so for workers of the world. Let's hope a Dem wins and gets serious about a globalization that can work along with justice -- not just (our version of) "freedom".
Just read about a German study, in which they played music to get sharks in the mood (Joe Cocker, "You can leave your hat on", Salt 'n Pepper, "Push It," etc) and of course I had to share it with the blog:

(very sorry it's too late for the river dolphin.)
goddamn that's weird: those are exactly the tunes i use to get it on up!
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