Shots In The Dark
Tuesday, August 07, 2024
  A Bit More on Fred Thompson
Just to add a little more meat to this conversation....

It's worth noting that Fred Thompson, whose wife lived with her boyfriend for most of a decade—though there's some debate about whether they were actually married—and who is himself divorced, voted for the Defense of Marriage Act, which would institute a federal ban on gay marriage. (So much for federalism.) He also voted against prohibiting job discrimination based on sexual orientation.

So, yes, I think his marriage to Jeri Thompson, as well as his own divorce, are fair game. When you start discriminating against people who want to get married—but you don't hesitate to marry and divorce yourself—and your new wife may or may not have been married, no one's really saying—then sure, Jeri Thompson is an issue.
We live in such a wierd country. Men who have had multiple wives, who are hated by their children because they are bad parents, who cheat on wives who are recovering from cancer and on and on are lecturing us about family values. Meanwhile, Hillary is treated with contempt and suspicion because she did not get divorced.

I just hope that Democrats get smart and turn this issue against Republicans in the election. If the nominee is Giulani, he should be painted as the philandering proto-facist who caused the death of dozens of firefighters and policeman on 9/11. All of which is true.

And if the nominee is Thompson, turn him into the representative of Hollywood values. Which is true. Chutzpah for a Democrat to do that? You bet. So what?
IS Giuliani lecturing anyone about family values?
Think Twice, you've stumbled upon Hillary's Achilles' heal. People hate her, yes, but not just because she didn't get divorced but because she tolerated multiple transgressions (Bill admitted to two, Flowers and Lewinsky, and he paid Jones $800K - those are only the ones for which he was caught - just too much for her to retain her dignity). So she'll have to distance herself from any such personal attacks on her adversaries. The Clintons don't want their private lives (or at least Bill's) to count, so Rudy's can't count either. I'm convinced this dynamic tipped the balance toward Giuliani running, that Hillary would most likely be the candidate, with an even playing field on the home front.
I see your point, but I believe Hillary is best suited to take a page from Karl Rove's handbook, and turn her weakness into a strength (I've stood firm and worked out the problems in our marriage) and her opponent's strength (I'm the 9/11 leader) into a weakness (he's the guy who abandoned the police and firefighters.)

Done smartly -- which is no given -- she could win with that.
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