Shots In The Dark
Tuesday, July 17, 2024
  The Senator's Sob Story
David Vitter spoke to reporters yesterday, apologizing again for his original sin, denying his alleged previous ones, and attacking his "political enemies" for allegedly spreading false rumors about him.

Oh, and his wife chastised the media for chasing them around last week. Because a gay marriage-bashing conservative senator who's been consorting with prostitutes isn't a legitimate story, apparently.

One does admire the New York Times photo editor, however.

Also, I will forever be in awe of the first reporter who asks Mrs. Vitter if she has lived up to her previous assessment of what she would do if her husband were like Bill Clinton and cut off her husband's penis.

She's got a sort of Alison Janney thing going on, eh?
she's hot, no doubt
Hot under the collar, you mean. (pun intended)
she looks more like jane alexander (actress, ex-NEA head) to me, which may be many things, but certainly not "hot". frankly, looking at that picture, one begins to understand......
The inference being if she were a prettier woman then her husband would not have frequented prostitutes and cheated on her? That is by far the most offensive comment I have read in quite some time. Consider yourself bitch slapped.

Richard, this story is of no national consequence. Can you try to work up some interest in the prospect of war with Iran, or dying soldiers, or politically driven incarcerations of civil servants, or something? This guy's just a venal hypocrite, politicos as usual.

Bizarre that you posted that link to the petition, or whatever, when you've shown no commensurate interest in mobilizing your readers on any other cause.

How do you explain this tabloid mentality, and how can you possibly justify it at this moment in national political life?

no doubt, she's a rock steady MILF
SE, generally the causes that I advocate for are environmental ones. I posted that petition link more to demonstrate the progression of the story than to push for his resignation, about which I have no strong feelings.

As for my feelings on the war, I suspect you can figure them out, but there are plenty of places which can agitate on that front better than I.

As for Vitter, well, he's a Harvard man, and this is (some of the time, anyway) a Harvard blog.

As for Vitter and his wife—she looks sad and tired to me, while he looks, well, kind of weak and lacking in character. (The weak chin, perhaps.) But maybe that's just my impression given what I know of the situation, and consequently unfair.
where did the abc news reporter ask about the bobbit thing? i couldnt find anyone asking wendy vitter about that in the link you have.
No one has that I know of.
to EAYNY: what do those initials stand for? Oh who cares. "bitch slapped"? doesn't that participate in the very same offensiveness of which you took offense? or do you get to be meta about it? and yes, its a fact of life that women age more quickly than men and men often go out in search of new slice as a result. i didn't say i liked it, i just said i understand.

to SE: can you possibly be more pompous and boring? if i dare intrude on some ridiculous intra-Harvard discussion about the fine points of this dean vs. that dean, i get slammed. but the flip side is that you professional "thinkers" should lay off the really fun parts of this blog, which are the tabloidy stories and RB's take on contemporary culture, which allows for fun arguments about which pop lyric is higher art than the others.

welcome to the cabaret old *friend*!
To Anon 4:34 : Unfortunately I just want to metaphorically bitch slap you again now. So, yes, I get to be meta about it. (And I do mean metaphorically, having never bitch slapped anyone in my life.) But I suddenly realize that you probably very young (hopefully, since you are using the slang meta...which I think means super cool?), and do not know what you are saying. Or maybe you have never been truly in love. To be clear: what you are inferring makes a mockery of marriage, commitment, friendship, and passion between a man and a woman. If aging is enough to make a man (or a woman...some men age just as badly and as quickly) go out seek another "slice", then there really is no point to marriage vows or any other type of relationship vow. "For better or for worse" does not mean "until you get old and then I gotta find someone else who looks younger". There are a million reasons why men and women cheat on each other, and none of them justify putting another person's emotional and physical health at risk. Your posts just don't do the subject justice. So rethink that.

eayny (and these initials stand in for my name more or less)
It's not like he's the first Louisiana politician to demonstrate a problem with ethics.
His problem is not ethics. It's hypocrisy.
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