Shots In The Dark
Thursday, February 22, 2024
  A Letter to the Crimson
Dear Crimson folks,

One of my least favorite words in the English language is "asshole." Why? Because even though it's fairly common, it's unpleasantly graphic. Maybe I'm Waspy that way, but maybe I'm emo and just very sensitive to words, too. There are some swear words I'm pretty okay with. "Fuck" has a nice ring to it. "Shit" and "bullshit" are good too. But "asshole" bothers me. So sue me, Dr. Freud.

Then again, I'm okay with "motherfucker," which is icky, it's true, but in a funny, over-the-top way. No one really means it when they call you a motherfucker, unless possibly you go to Brown, so everyone can have a good laugh. But "asshole" always has a nasty, vicious undertone. A Nixonian quality, really.

Moreover, when we say "motherfucker" in polite conversation—"Gosh, my co-worker is a motherfucker"—eyebrows are raised. Shouldn't the same be true for the word "asshole." Our society is vulgar enough as it is. Must we debase it further?

The point is, do I really need to open up your website and see a huge ad for some hack book by "Robert I. Sutton, Ph.D." called "THE NO ASSHOLE RULE."

Here's a tip, Dr. Sutton. Putting "Ph.D." after your name doesn't make you look smart and authoritative. It makes you look needy and pathetic and, frankly, probably dumb. Even though you are allegedly a professor at Stanford. It also makes it look like you're paying Alibris to publish your book, even though you're not.

I'm sorry; I don't mean to be a jerk about this. Please, don't call me an—well, you know. It's just that I'm having my morning coffee here. Who needs "ASSHOLE" in their face at this hour?

Crimson, you guys don't need the ad money that much. (Do you?) Strike a blow for clean living. Purge the ass**** from your page. We'll all feel better.
Bradley, what is this? have you gone nuts? Take a break please, your blog today is totally insane. Perhaps it's been taken over by someone intent in destroying your reputation.
For a writer, reputations are a ball and chain, weighing down the possibilities of what you can write without worrying about...your reputation. Every once in a while, reputations need to be torn apart. That's how you keep it fresh, how you liberate the psyche. You stop worrying about your reputation, and you write. And if you can't do that on a blog, well, what's the point?
You are definitely not on your right mind today. Let's hope you don't cause much damage to yourself before the effect of whatever has gotten into you wears out.
Bradley... Do you have a cleaning lady from Brazil with a government major? Does she cook for you? If the answer is yes check into a hospital and have your stomach checked.
I would welcome a cleaning lady from any nation, especially Brazil, but alas, no, I don't.
Do you realize a war with Iran may be about to start while you are writing this bullshit?
I did once get a vicious case of food poisoning in Rio de Janeiro, though.
Do you know that you have anger issues?
My eyes are trained to skip web ads. I look at The Crimson's site all the time and never saw this. Why are you looking at advertising? Just ignore it. I'd venture that's what most people are doing.
What about checking out the book rather than just stopping at the title? It's fabulous. It's an outgrowth of a very successful HBR article on why mean bullies are tolerated in most organizations and why, if they're tolerated in yours, you need to get out unless you're powerful enough to change the culture and prevent them from being tolerated in the future. You can see excerpts at and can find interviews with the author on the 'net -- you might even be able to get to the original HBR article. I think you overreacted to the title and missed a rare, valuable point about misuses of power that the author is making.
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Name: Richard Bradley
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