Mel Gibson's Jewish Problem
Mel Gibson was arrested for drunk driving on Friday, which is bad. He was drinking from an open bottle of tequila and going 80 mph in a 45 mph zone, which is bad.
"My life is fucked," he said when the cops pulled him over. "You motherfucker," he told one officer. "I'm going to fuck you. You're going tor regret that you ever did this to me."
Also bad is the fact that, after being arrested, Gibson became "increasingly belligerent," according to the police report, and started spewing anti-Semitic insults. According to the police report, "Gibson blurted out a barrage of anti-Semitic remarks about 'fucking Jews.' Gibson yelled out, 'The Jews are responsible for all the wars in the world.' Gibson then asked 'Are you a Jew?'"
Gibson has since apologized, but did not specifically address the issue of his anti-Semitism, which means that his apology doesn't mean a thing.
Mel Gibson has two problems: the fact that he's an alcoholic, and the fact that he's a bigot. What a sad way to end an impressive career.