The Kids Don't Just Want to Have Fun
Reading this article in the Crimson, I feel that there is some hope for the world: the graduating students at various colleges are disappointed with their uninspiring commencement speakers.
At Harvard, students don't like Jim Lehrer; at UPenn, students are underwhelmed by Jodie Foster; at Yale, students are
eh about Anderson Cooper; and at Stanford, students don't love the idea of Tom Brokaw.
I think this dissatisfaction is appropriate; Tom Brokaw will give the same speech he's given a million times (remind you of anyone?); Anderson Cooper will talk about hurricanes and promote his forthcoming book; Jim Lehrer will—well, I don't know what Jim Lehrer will do. Put people to sleep, I'd guess. Nice guy and good journalist, but still....
(I think Jodie Foster might actually be kind of interesting.)
But Harvard students—who exactly do you think chose this Commencement speaker? I'll give you one guess: the same person who chose Bob Rubin, Tim Russert, and Ernesto Zedillo....