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Shots In The Dark
Tuesday, November 15, 2023
  Tilting Against a Really Large Windmill
Twenty years ago, my friend Ari Posner wrote a classic story in The New Republic about ghostwriting, pointing out that what was once considered a shameful secret in Washington had become commonplace. Once, words were so valued as a sign of intellectual independence and personal gravitas that to admit that others had put them in your mouth was emasculating. Now, a ghostwriter had become a sign of one's own importance; you were too busy to sit down and wrestle with something as painstaking as language, and besides, anyone could do it.

Now, of course, ghostwriters are so taken for granted, they are not even remarked upon.

I know it's curmudgeonly to insist that there's something weird about this...

...but how can the New York Times write an entire piece about Nicole Richie and her new novel, "The Truth about Diamonds"—yes, that's her on the cover—without even mentioning the word "ghostwriter"?

Okay, the Times does include the clause, "which Ms. Richie said she wrote herself." But who could possibly believe that? A little more skepticism would be in order...except that the reporter clearly doesn't think the issue is important.

Almost as bizarre to me is the adoration her young fans, waiting in line to have their books signed, manifested.

As one teenage boy told the Times, "Her body is perfect, her hair is perfect, her outfit is perfect, her makeup is perfect. I love everything about her."

"Her outfit is perfect?" This, from a teenage boy?

We live in strange times....
Your link is to a German error message.
Thanks. Don't know how that happened, but should be fixed now.
NYU again.
Thanks for reply to earlier comment.

Are you certain this book was ghostwritten?
What are the tell-tale signs? Are you basing this on knowledge you have of this situation? Or is it just the way these celebrity books happen?
Maybe the reason Ms. Richie feels she is almost undeserving of everything is, in fact, because she didn't even come up with the idea to write this as a roman a clef? Wouldn't that be an idea her editor or publisher came up with?
I assume to avoid being sued by the "friends" she "writes" about?

I have not followed Nicole Richie's career, but it does seem like a fairly sophisticated idea to novelize her life, and not an idea that she could have come up with on her own. Perhaps that is what would attract a ghostwriter to such material? Do ghostwriters get paid well? Is that what would motivate someone to write a book and not receive credit for doing so? Does this happen often?

I was not able to figure out who the journalist was referring to when gastric by-pass surgery was mentioned. Nicole Richie? Her DJ friend? It wasn't a very well written piece. Perhaps it is all Ms. Richie's novel deserves?

I wonder, if it was ghostwritten, does that mean it might actually be pretty good?
It is fairly well known the her DJ fiance had gastric bypass surgury.

No, I'm not sure that the book is ghostwritten; it's just a hunch. For one thing, I doubt Nicole Richie has the time (or at least, made the time) to write a book. Second, she's never written anything before, to the best of anyone's knowledge, and even writing a bad novel isn't that easy. Third, I'm sure her publisher is paying quite a lot for the book, and there's no way they wouldn't sign up a ghostwriter as an insurance policy. And yes, as you suggest, it's a good bet that the publisher came to her with the idea, rather than the other way around.

Ghostwriters can get paid very well, yes. For this book, I'd think somewhere around $100,000...
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