Sticking up for Summers
Writing in the Jewish World Review, First Amendment advocate Nat Hentoff makes the case for Summers as a victim of political correctness. Hentoff tells the story of a high schooler in Yakima, Washington, who defended Summers.
Key quote: "President Summers offered no conclusions [at the NBER conference]. He wanted these intellectuals to do what they're supposed to do — think. But his challenge resulted — as high-schooler Toop wrote — in "the political correctness squad (rushing) upon him like a pack of bloodthirsty dingos that just smelled baby."
I've written before that I don't think this controversy had anything to do with free speech—or political correctness, for that matter—but in the interests of balance, I post the article for your consideration.
And also because I love that simile—"a pack of bloodthirsty dingos that just smelled baby." Fantastic. Rush Limbaugh, your successor has just entered the building.