In Case You Can’t Tell…
Posted on August 19th, 2009 in Uncategorized | 4 Comments »
…I’m on deadline. Sorry the blogging is so anemic. (Apologies also to all the people whose phone calls I have lamely not returned.)
But hey, it’s August, and you’re all out on the Cape or in the Hamptons or something cool like that. So you shouldn’t be sitting at your computer anyway. Get a life!
4 Responses
8/19/2009 7:29 pm
Feeling a tad passive aggressive, are we, RB? The heat has finally gotten to you.
8/19/2009 7:47 pm
Dog Days were popularly believed to be an evil time “when the seas boiled, wine turned sour, dogs grew mad, and all creatures became languid, causing to man burning fevers, hysterics, and phrensies” according to Brady’s Clavis Calendarium, 1813. (68° in Nantucket right now)
8/20/2009 8:19 am
Sorry to hear about all the loss of trees in Central Park Tuesday night. All those American elms which have been devastated by disease in the Northeast and now some of those remaining in the park pummelled to the earth by an unusually strong wind. My condolences. Trees are special.
8/20/2009 9:09 am
I’m going to the hamptons tomorrow! Yippee!