They look kind of nice, actually. Assuming that you like that Gothic look—there’s no Eero Saarinen here.

Meanwhile—and I’m not teasing—will Harvard ever be able to afford to renovate its declining houses?

It has been 25 years since Harvard embarked on a renovation of the Houses, and they show their age. Perennial overcrowding concerns and complaints about malfunctioning facilities were brought to the fore this year when Winthrop House ended the de facto practice of promising singles to seniors and, later, when basements in that house flooded with human waste and sewage. Add these to a laundry list of complaints about the River Houses–everything from inoperable faucets and dysfunctional heaters to overflowing toilets, leaks, and massive cockroach infestations.

After all, they can’t even serve hot food in the current houses….

(Blogger’s prediction: Harvard will get so much bad press over the ketchup-is-a-vegetable cut—who will be the first undergraduate, face smudged with dirt and tears, to ask a soon-to-be-laid-off worker, “Please, sir, I want some more?“—that it will restore hot breakfasts.)