The Crimson updates the story of Summers being disinvited to speak by the UC Board of Regents, and is the first news outlet that I’ve seen to carry a statement from Summers.

…Summers called the University of California system a “national treasure.”

“I regret missing the chance to discuss issues facing universities with the regents,” he said. “I often participate in discussions of this kind, and find that I always learn a great deal from the exchange of views and am sorry that the regents do not feel the same way.”

This is what’s known as a slam dunk. The PC cops in the UC system certainly made this easy for Summers. All he had to do was take the high road, and he makes them look like idiots….and of course Maureen Stanton, one of the petition organizers, did not answer the Crimson when it requested an interview. She should. Going underground now only makes her look like, having acted to squelch open discussion once, she is doing it again. And Stanton, who has a Harvard Ph.d. and is an accomplished scientist, should know better…..